For Fun-Seekers
You’ve probably listened to a pair of friends rave about some off-the-wall event they attended. As you look at them curiously, one of them replies, “You know… you just had to be there.” If you’re wondering, “How do people hear about these things?” — you’ve come to the right place. FunZippy connects you to a slew of parties, panels, concerts, culture, readings, rallies, and more. FunZippy gives you a platform to track where you go, what you attend, and create your plans for next weekend.
For Organizers
If you’re a promoter looking to attract an audience, or an innovator with a fresh idea — we’re here to get the word out. You know a profitable live event requires maximum participation and turnout. Now you can build visibility and expand your outreach. FunZippy gives you the tools to reach out to those personalities that you want to see attending and talking about your event. FunZippy accommodates and facilitates a range of events for a range of purposes.

New Arrivals
Our solutions have helped our clients connect with their customers and employees in new, promising ways Here are some of our clients
Don’t overwhelm yourself with the details and logistics. Post your event and start selling tickets right away!
Bring your event to new audiences. Announce events on social media, send reminders, and leverage a strong mix...
Enjoy !
You get to focus on the event itself. We’ll see to the logistics of your tickets and guest list.

Branded Event Pages
- Customized Ticketing Choices
Reserved seating
- Information forms

Streamlined Payment
- Credit/Debit Cards
- PayPal
- Advance Payments
Sales Tracking

Promotional Tools
- Social Media
- Page-Sharing

Partners for Ticket Bundling
- Hotels/Stay
- Merchandising

- Times and Dates

Ticketing Service
- A Hassle-Free Process
- Ticketing available through your own website
Now’s the time to cultivate excitement, open doors, advance your brand, and find your way to new audiences excited by who you are and what you offer. FunZippy removes the guesswork and the planning burden that can sometimes halt events before they even get off the ground. We see to many major details and provide ongoing support to ensure your event goes off without a hitch. Questions? Get in touch to learn more about our services and discuss the specifics of your event. We can’t wait to assist!